Pharmacy No. 286780
Rediscovered from South America, Organic Amaranth is higher in protein quality than almost all other grains. It contains all of the essential amino acids, especially Lysine, lacking in many common grains. Organic Amaranth Grain dates back hundreds of years to the Aztecs in Mexico. It offers an unusually high quality protein and is high in fiber. Amaranth Grain has a nutty flavor and can be combined with wheat flour in breads, pasta, pancakes and other recipes.
A Grain From Antiquity
Friend of the Heart
- Gluten Free
Cooking Instructions:
Combine 1 cup Amaranth and 3 cups water in a nonstick saucepan with a tight-fitting lid. Bring to boil; cover, lower heat and let simmer for about 25 minutes. Grains will absorb the water and bind together, but still remain their shape