Pet Nail Clipper - Dog Nail Cutter
Pet dogs are canines kept by people to eliminate loneliness or for recreational purposes, or for non-economic purposes. Dog is a kind of spiritual animal, which has been domesticated by humans for thousands of years. It has a keen sense of smell, agility, understanding and loyalty to its owner. In many countries, dogs of all shapes and sizes have long become favorite family pets. [49041] The more famous pet dogs are: Chinese Pastoral Dog, Husky, Pekingese, Tibetan Mastiff, Chow Chow, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Schnauzer, Dalmatian, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Scottish Sheepdog, Samoyed, Cocker, Labrador, Bichon, Poodle, Maltese, Belgian Hound, Teddy Bear, Border Collie, Alaskan, Fox Terrier and more. To raise pet dogs, prepare some necessary utensils, such as kennels, food bowls, food trays, water bowls, brushes, combs, razors, hair dryers, etc., as well as some dog toys. These utensils can be purchased at pet stores, or they can be remodeled and made by using some idle objects at home. Objects and people affect indoor hygiene, and if eaten by dogs, it will also affect the digestion of dogs. Therefore, it is necessary to comb the dog's coat frequently, which not only removes the dirt and dust of the shed coat, prevents the coat from tangling, but also promotes blood circulation, enhances skin resistance, and relieves fatigue.
ITEM TYPE: Claw care
MATERIAL: Stainless steel
SIZE: 35 x 26 x 45cm