American Fitness Ironmaster Multi 4 Station Home Gym features a solid frame construction with high quality padding and upholstery. If you want maximum strength and a weight room full of workout options in minimum space, then try the American Fitness Ironmaster Multi 4 Station Home Gym on for size. This multi-station workhorse provides health club quality strength training for up to three people simultaneously. The Multi Station Home Gym features a multi-function Press Arm Station for bench press, and chest supported mid-row exercises. The Perfect Peck Station with range limiters allows users to achieve deeper muscle penetration for faster, more defined results.
Features: Multi - weight stacks , which means up to 4 people can use the machine at the same time, so you can train with a partner
Different exercises can be performed such as:
- Standing Cable Bicep curls
- Tricep extensions
- Squatting rows
- Abdominal Leg raise station
- Shrugs
- Cable Bench press
- Lat pull down
- Seated Peck deck
- Seated leg press
- Dip station
- Seated bicep curls
- Leg extensions
- Weighted abdominal crunches and many more!....