Get rid of that stomach, arm and leg fats in just a few weeks. The 5 Minutes Shaper offers fast results in just five minutes a day.
Are you still using old-fashioned ways to get rid of your flab? Doing sit-ups puts a strain on your neck and back, a stationary bike only exercises your legs and a treadmill only does cardio exercises. Your daily work-outs will greatly improve by performing reverse crunches with the 5 Minutes Shaper to gain rock hard abs, buns and thighs.
With the 5 Minutes Shaper, you get an all-in-one body-sculpting machine that will transform your body from flab to fab in just weeks! It combines cardio and toning to quickly burn fat and sculpt your body. Just 5 minutes a day, you can achieve chiseled abs, sculpted underarms, sexy buns and slender legs…all at the same time!
The 5 Minute Shaper utilizes the concept of Yoga plank position and sit-up – combining them into a remarkable core building exercise! This simple movement works your entire body; your back, abs, buns, legs and arms. There are four resistant levels with different angles to choose from: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Intense. Just 5 minutes a day, you will get rid of unwanted fat and achieve the body shape you’ve always wanted! What more, our newest 2generation model gives you even better value. THIS AMAZING MACHINE WORKS, TRY IT! You have nothing to lose besides pounds and inches.
Not suitable for weights above 120kg