Our high-quality pollen is sourced from U.S. bees. Many bee pollen supplements and products sold in the world and US come from China. Most of these pollens (often made in batches and stored) have actually been found to be contaminated with outside pollutants. The company we source our pollen from takes pride in their pure bee pollen and guarantees no off-shore fillers and/or ingredients in their product. The bee pollen is collected from a pristine environment in rural farmland areas without any contaminants and no industrial factories nearby.
Our pollen is never processed or heated in order to maintain all vital nutrient qualities of antioxidants, protein, enzymes, vitamins, and amino acids. Our pollen is fresh and is best kept refrigerated after opening. We keep our bee pollen raw and natural the way nature intended. When you purchase our bee pollen, it comes straight from the hive. All of our bee pollen is gathered using special “pollen traps” and bottled right at the hive by our beekeepers.
Our high-quality pollen is sourced from U.S. bees. Many bee pollen supplements and products sold in the world and US come from China. Most of these pollens (often made in batches and stored) have actually been found to be contaminated with outside pollutants. The company we source our pollen from takes pride in their pure bee pollen and guarantees no off-shore fillers and/or ingredients in their product. The bee pollen is collected from a pristine environment in rural farmland areas without any contaminants and no industrial factories nearby.
Our pollen is never processed or heated in order to maintain all vital nutrient qualities of antioxidants, protein, enzymes, vitamins, and amino acids. Our pollen is fresh and is best kept refrigerated after opening. We keep our bee pollen raw and natural the way nature intended. When you purchase our bee pollen, it comes straight from the hive. All of our bee pollen is gathered using special “pollen traps” and bottled right at the hive by our beekeepers.