Honey is a sweet and viscous substance made by several bees, the best-known of which are honey bees. Honey is made and stored to nourish bee colonies. Bees produce honey by gathering and then refining the sugary secretions of plants or the secretions of other insects. Honey is sweet, syrupy and golden-colour. Honeybees store honey in the beehive to use for food and nutrients.
In addition to its use as a natural sweetener, honey is used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent. People commonly use honey orally to treat coughs and topically to treat burns and promote wound healing.
Madhava® clean & simple brings the goodness of nature and the benefits of science together to your table. Madhava source products from pristine regions around the world and choose only the honey that tests highest for purity.
From wildflower fields throughout the Americas, Madhava honey is hand selected and blended to bring rich, distinctive flavors to our pure honey.
Clean Label
Purity Award
Pesticide Free Award
Antioxidant Superiority Award