Qi and Yin are two concepts fundamental to Chinese medicine. These two concepts form what you may call the "roots" of Chinese medicine. Qi, (vital energy or vital force) is the psychophysical energies that permeate the universe. Yin and Yang are the underlying principles of Chinese philosophy and medicine. Good health is believed to come from a balance of Yin (negative, dark and feminine) and Yang (positive, bright and masculine). Hypertensive & Cholesterol Regulating Herbal Tea contains vital herbs that reinforce qi and nourish yin.
There is a clear link between high blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol. When the arteries become hardened and narrowed with cholesterol plaque and calcium (atherosclerosis), the heart has to strain much harder to pump blood through them. As a result, blood pressure becomes abnormally high. Hypertensive and Cholesterol Regulating Herbal Tea will help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, lower trans-aminase levels, clear the heart and reduce blood lipid.
Greatea Hypertensive & Cholesterol Tea reduces blood lipids. It can remove heat from the blood, reduce diuresis and soften blood vessels. It also reduces high cholesterol, triglyceride level and lower transaminase level.
Other Health Benefits:
- Flush the internal organs
- Promote metabolism
- Regulate Yin and Yang, nourish qi and blood
- Remove toxins from the blood vessels
- Nourish the body’s organs