If you're looking for a great way to get your body in shape with little effort in the comfort of your home, then this Vibrating Workout Platform is perfect.
This portable vibration plate machine burns fat and tones and tightens skin - Because of increased metabolism.
Exercising each day for 30 minutes combined with a reasonable diet will help you drastically in many forms and lead the way to an improved healthier and better lifestyle!
This vibrating workout machine is a portable gym that helps you to tone down, and shake off excess weight without much rigorous exercise which can lead to physical injuries. It gives you the freedom to choose your time, place to workout and intensity of the training.
You can stand on the platform to experience a full-body vibrating exercise. You also place any part of your body like buttocks, thigh, hands etc. to experience the power of a vibrating massager.
Durable Construction-- ABS shell for durability and sturdiness, ergonomic design, anti-static and anti-overload device, load capacity. LED display to show time, speed and fat at the same time.
Adjustable Vibration Speed--Speed can be adjusted, having the maximum intensity to suit different needs, the speed at the click of a button, and 10 minutes on this vibration platform equals 1 hour of jogging.
Whole-Body Vibration-- By far the most popular new addition to the passive exercise category is whole-body vibration also known as Power Plate vibration machine.
Quiet operation-- It works very quietly, and will not disturb you from watching TV shows, To work out your arms and upper body; a manual to guide you through the appropriate process to achieve the ultimate results.
Balance Exercise Equipment-- The machine workout fitness platform that will make your body look perfect Benefits include increased circulation, muscle strength, and flexibility; better range of motion; core conditioning and stability; and faster muscle recovery after working out. They say the health benefits also include enhanced metabolism, increased bone mineral density, and reduction of stress elevation levels.
Maximum load: 150Kg
Voltage: AC 220-240v, 50Hz
Size Dimension
78 x 45 x 13 cm