Our Miller DC rectifier Goldstar 602 electric welding machine is built in arc control, and lets you get in tight without sticking the electrode. An electrode compensation circuit ensures consistent arc control performance regardless of the electrode size.
Hot Start - makes it easier to start difficult-to-start Stick electrodes such as E-6010 and E-7018
Simple control panel - features single range amperage adjustment providing easy, efficient operation. From steel erection to shipbuilding, from foundries to refineries, the Gold Star Series from Miller is known by welders the world over for rugged, reliable performance and superior arc characteristics.
- Stick (SMAW)
- Air Carbon Arc (CAC-A)
- Cutting and Gouging
- Flux Cored (FCAW)
- MIG (GMAW) Spray
- Transfer when using
- a Voltage-Sensing
- Wire Feeder