The elderly suffer from a weakness in the production of
testosterone and damage to the nerves and cells as a result of
age, in addition to diseases such as diabetes, high blood
pressure and cholesterol, which inhibit and reduce sexual
performance, therefore unable to function sexually, and are
referred to by:
Weakness in erection as a result of cells’ aging, especially
after the age of 45.
Loss to sexual desire due to the inability of physically
performing the act.
They become vulnerable to psychological setbacks that may turn
into a form of a depression that leads to other illnesses.
Studies showed that 60% of young people suffer from
dysfunction in terms of sexual performance ” here, we’re not
just referring to ED, but also disorders in the sexual
function, such as premature ejaculation, the inability to
reach orgasm, or impotency ” these disturbing symptoms are
evident through several indicators, some of which:
Premature ejaculation, due to the vitality of the young, and
the quick response of women’s sense organs.
Short duration of intercourse without reaching orgasm, which
causes psychological setbacks for both partners.
Another issue is that many young people have the efficient
sexual abilities, yet they suffer from frigidity, especially
after a long time of being married.
Royal King Honey smooth tasting Malaysian honey’s prime
objective is to nourish the body and fortify the male
supporting health and creating energy; it also improves the
body’s immune system.
This supplement is formulated to promote better circulation by
identifying the pituitary-sex organ axis. In addition, it
increases blood flow towards the male organ, thereby
strengthening the quality of erections.
This mechanism works by the activation of serum superoxide
dismutase (SOD) which facilitates the haemoglobin
transportation of oxygen and helps renal clearance of toxic
substances, additionally improving the immune system and also
contributing towards slowing down the body’s ageing process.
This product is made with the finest raw material of Pure
Honey, Royal Jelly, Ginseng and Amazon Herbs
A lifestyle honey that promotes general physical fitness and
This pure herbal erotic supplement significantly boosts energy
desire and stamina performance.
Enjoy increased libido and energy performance for up to 48
hours with increased erectile function.
Quick and easy to use. Effective within 1⁄2 an hour. One
sachet every 2 days will maintain energy levels.
Improve circulation, reduce fatigue, increases the metabolism
and general energy levels and boost the immune system.
Kidney regulation, restore the kidney’s secretion of vital
hormones leading to total body rejuvenation.
A Spoonful of Honey a Day…Keeps the Sex Therapist Away
For centuries honey has been considered one of the planet’s
most powerful aphrodisiacs – it’s not called a honeymoon for
nothing. Thanks to its high levels of antioxidants and
nutrients known to boost sexual performance, no matter how you
add honey to your daily sexual diet you’re sure to sweeten
things up in the bedroom.
The secret? Honey contains oodles of boron – a mineral proven
to increase testosterone and metabolise estrogen. There are
also lashings of the potent sexual chemical nitric oxide,
released in the blood during arousal, as well a plenty of
vitamin B, which is vital for testosterone production too.
So it’s no wonder honey has been a symbol of fertility and
procreation for so many cultures – it’s bursting with bedroom
benefits that you can unleash in so many ways and not just in
the kitchen. Here are some simple, scintillating ways to make
sure you’re getting your daily dose.
1. Bedtime boost
Packed with natural carbohydrates, including fructose and
glucose – your body’s primary energy source – honey makes a
perfect pre-bedtime boost. If you’re flagging after a long
day, try a spoonful in a cup of relaxing herbal tea with
cinnamon to get you warmed up and in the mood.
2. Bath time fun
Looking for a way to make bath time more fun? The sweet scent
of honey and its powerful moisturizing properties mean you
don’t need any fancy bath oils when you fancy relaxing in the
tub. Just add 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of
olive oil to your bathwater. Soothing, healing and delicious,
you’ll feel like a goddess whether you’re bathing alone or
3. Kissable lips
The sweet taste of honey on your lips is guaranteed to excite,
and as honey is a potent moisturiser too, it makes the perfect
ingredient to add to this simple homemade lip balm. Combine a
teaspoon of honey, grated beeswax, vitamin E oil, olive oil
and a tablespoon of cocoa butter in a pan over a low heat. You
can add your own sensual essential oils too, in flavours you
and your partner love.
4. Virility and stamina
Mead, a honey-based alcoholic drink, has its roots in Babylon
more than 4,000 years ago, and it’s long believed to have
magical powers to revitalize and heal. Newlyweds were
encouraged to drink mead every night until the first new moon
after marriage in order to boost their virility, stamina and
fertility. And there’s a real basis in science here as mead is
rich in B vitamins and amino acids – the building blocks of
proteins that do increase stamina.
5. Drizzle over figs
Want a double-boost for your libido? Combine two of nature’s
hottest aphrodisiacs. Rumoured to be Cleopatra’s favorite
fruit, the erotically shaped fig has been associated with
sexuality for centuries, with a new fig crop in Ancient Greece
eliciting a copulatory ritual. Try them drizzled with honey
for an after dinner delight.
6. Make it Manuka
If you really want to pack a sexual punch, you want a honey
that’s pure, unprocessed and as high in antioxidants and
nitric oxide as possible. That means looking out for the most
potent honey available – Manuka. The higher the Unique Manuka
Factor the better, so treat yourself to a UMF of 15 or above
with a honey like Comvita’s Manuka Honey UMF 15+ and add it
to teas, yoghurts, smoothies or anything that needs a touch of
7. Luscious locks
Pampering yourself boosts self-esteem gives you a real glow in
the bedroom. Set aside some time for this revitalising honey
hair treatment and you’ll feel great – with hair that looks
and smells too gorgeous to resist. Just massage 1/2 cup of
honey into your hair and sit back for 20 minutes, then shampoo
and condition as usual for ultra-soft sensuous locks.
8. Get smoothie
Hippocrates, an ancient Greek Physician, prescribed honey for
sexual vigor and advocated the drinking of milk and honey to
induce love and ecstasy. Give it a modern twist and turn your
milk and honey into a delicious smoothie – whizz up protein-
rich bananas, creamy yoghurt, sweet honey and juicy
strawberries for an instant, healthy libido-booster.
9. Wake up to ginger
A spice that’s as invigorating as it is energizing, ginger is
a great way to start the day. Another aphrodisiac that packs a
powerful punch, its scent is known to arouse and works
wonderfully with honey – mix grated ginger and honey into your
breakfast yoghurt or enjoy a dollop of honey and a sprinkling
of ginger in a lemon tea.
10. Keep it raw
Of course there’s one very simple way to sweeten things up
with honey in the bedroom, and that’s to use plain,
unadulterated and oozing out of the jar. Drizzled on skin it’s
a taste sensation like no other, so have fun getting sticky
under those sheets!