- Remove toxin, diffuse the lung and discharge heat
- Building immunity by supporting the lung and spleen
- Remove toxin, diffuse the lung and discharge heat
- Eliminate external noxious factors
- Clears lung and adjust immunity
- Strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors
- Effectively resist avian flu H5N1 and H9N2 viruses
- Qingwen capsule plays a key role in fighting COVID-19
- Qingwen capsule is recognized by FDA in America
- Qingwen capsule is an Herbal Antibiotics
- Qingwen capsule can penetrate bacteria Biofilm to kill bacteria
- Qingwen capsule was 19 times listed in National Diagnosis and treatment Programs and Guidelines as recommend drugs
Dosage: 4 capsules / 3 times per day
Package: 350mg x 36 capsules
Forsythiae Fructus 27.41mg
Lonicerae Japonicae Flos 27.41mg
Ephedrae Herba (processed with honey) 9.14mg
Armeniacae Semen Amarum (stir-baked) 9.14mg
Gypsum Fibrosum 27.41mg
Isatidis Radix 27.41mg
Dryopteris Crassirhizomatis Rhizoma 27.41mg
Houttuyniae Herba 27.41mg
Pogostemonis Herba 9.40mg
Rhei Radix et Rhizoma 5.48mg
Rhodiolae Crenulatae Radx et Rhizoma 9.14mg
I-Menthol 7.50mg
Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma 9.14mg
Starch 126.60 mg