The Benefits of Swim Paddles
There are generally two main benefits to incorporating paddles into your training: building power and strength in the water, and also to help solidify good technique habits.
Here’s why you should use paddles during swim training:
1. Specific development of power.
In terms of building strength and power this is about as specific as it gets. As long as you are performing the stroke precisely as you normally would (which can be hard with a slower catch and pull as shown in the research above), you are adding resistance to your stroke.
2. Teach you speed and efficiency.
You don’t need me to tell you that swimming with paddles is awesome because you get to go much faster—probably as fast or faster as race pace when going all-out. When swimming at this kind of speed you can really get a feel for how you are most efficient in the water, from keeping a rigid torso, to having an early catch, and so on.
3. Spices up your workout.