Super Gro is a natural liquid fertilizer developed to ensure the enhancement of crops and improve agricultural productivity. it also functions as an adjuvant/surfactant that enables more water to reach the roots of the plant, thus optimizing plant growth in less time.
It is also a natural wetting agent, easily penetrable into tissues for rapid effect.
Super Gro is a product of NEOLIFE, a company that specializes in natural and nutritional health products for human and plants. Super Gro is a 100% organic liquid fertilizer, which is made from poultry droppings and sea bird guano. Being made from organic matter with absolutely no chemicals added to it, it is 100% safe to use on any vegetables or crop. Super Gro can be applied to any plant, tree, vegetable and even grass that require fertilization.
Super Gro was started about fifteen years ago on the West Coast of South Africa. Its main ingredient being seabird guano gets collected from eight different sites a l ong the West Coast under supervision of the South African Nature Conservation, to ensure that all of the birds and their nesting sites stay protected and minimal disturbance takes place.
How is Super Gro Unique?
Super Gro is a multi-purpose surfactant that makes water “wetter”.
Ensures optimal soil penetration.
Reduces run-off and evaporation. Enhances the benefits of plant foods and fertilisers mixed with the water.
Results in the plants making better use of the water provided to them, supporting better growth.
How it Works:
Acts as an emulsifier to disperse oils.
As a wetting agent to reduce the surface tension of water.
As a spreader for better plant coverage.
As a sticker, which helps plant treatments stick to leaf surfaces.
As a dispersing agent to ensure particles of plant treatments remain in solution loN ger and spread more easily
How to use Super Gro
Mix in a ratio of 1:1,000. 1ml of Super Gro per litre (1,000ml) of water;
5ml of Super Gro per 5 litres (5,000ml) of water;
20ml of Super Gro per 20 litres (20,000ml) of water.
Manual watering: Fill a container with water, add Super Gro and agitate gently
Automated watering. (Irrigation system): Add Super Gro to the water reservoir in the appropriate ratio
Our Solution
Versatile and economical. Optimises the use of water and enhances the performance of associated plant treatments (used as per the manufacturer’s recommendations) enabling Super Gro to perform a wide variety of functions.
A little goes a lon g way.
Super Gro maximises the benefits achieved from any watering effort
Easy to use, suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants.
Tolerates temperature variations. Lon g shelf-life.
Non-toxic, non-caustic and non-flammable.