Agrovert 6-13-46 fertilizer is a foliar and top quality blends made from the purest raw materials, with limited caking sensitivity and with a high level of micro-nutrients for fertigation or foliar application. Agrovert NPK 6:13:46 is a water-soluble foliar fertilizers that provide a balanced formula for the growth of your vegetable plants. It’s used all through the life cycle of the plant and maximizes targeted crop yield. Agrovert NPK 6:13:46 Fertilizer contains 6% nitrogen, 13% phosphorus and 46% potassium. It is high in potassium content.
Importance Of Potassium
Potassium is associated with the movement of water, nutrients and carbohydrates in plant tissue. It’s involved with enzyme activation within the plant, which affects protein, starch and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. The production of ATP can regulate the rate of photosynthesis.
Potassium also helps regulate the opening and closing of the stomata, which regulates the exchange of water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide. If K is deficient or not supplied in adequate amounts, it stunts plant growth and reduces yield.
Benefits Of Potassium To Crops:
Increases root growth and improves drought resistance.
Maintains turgor; reduces water loss and wilting.
Aids in photosynthesis and food formation.
Reduces respiration, preventing energy losses.
Enhances translocation of sugars and starch.
Produces grain rich in starch.
Increases plants’ protein content.
Builds cellulose and reduces lodging.
Helps retard crop diseases.
Application of Agrovert 11:46:14 foliar fertilizer
It can be applied as a solution to the root zone or as a foliar application. For backpack or handheld sprayers, use at the rate of 4 teaspoons per 16l knapsack sprayer.