Sesame seeds are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are commonly added to certain foods to provide a nutty flavor and crunchy texture.
Sesame seeds are also used as an ingredient in soap, cosmetics, lubricants, and medicines.
There is a reason people have been growing sesame seeds around the world since prehistoric times—they are good for you in a number of ways.
Among other health benefits, consuming sesame seeds can help in the following ways:
Lower Your Cholesterol
Sesame seeds contain lignans and phytosterols, which are plant compounds that can help lower cholesterol. Phytosterols are also believed to enhance your immune response and decrease your risk of certain cancers.
Researchers found that out of all the nuts and seeds commonly eaten in the United States, sesame seeds had the highest total phytosterol content with 400 to 413 milligrams per 100 grams.
These and other substances in sesame seeds are also known to prevent high blood pressure.