This plate comes in 6 pieces for varieties of food serving for salad, meat, fish, chicken or whatever one choses to serve in it.
It can be used to serve in homes, schools, parties etc.
Dimension is about 8.2 x 8.2 inches and 2 inches slightly deep
very perfect for restaurants and outdoor use
Presentable for servings with garnish and vegatables
Can be used to serve different mix of vegetables
compartment ceramic Unbreakable Plate is a very quality and beautiful Home King plate. It is Eco-friendly with a lovely unique shape. It is 6pieces set of ceramic plates. It is made from quality Porcelain material.It's fit for home kitchenware, school canteen, restaurant, hotel, trattorias or other public places because it's unbreakable and ruggedness.It is of multiple purpose it can be used in restaurant,homes offices schools eateries, hostels etc.