when they stop working, it can be difficult to
troubleshoot. This is wherea comes in. This simple
device is vital for checking cable continuity to ensure
that the signal is getting through, and eliminating
cable connectivity issues when troubleshooting
network problems.
Networks are everywhere, and even as home Wi-F
routers proliferate, there is still a tremendous need for
Wired networks. Wired networks are more robust,
faster, and often less expensive than wireless ones.
Best of all, wired networks never have to worry about
interference because the neighbors are on the same
channel. The one issue with wired networks is that
Network Cable Tester BasicCS
In its simplest form, a network cable tester relies on
the simple fact that network cables transmit data
electronIcally. Because electricity requires a
Continuous physical connection, any breaks in the
wiring inside the network cable prevent it from
functioning. The other problem cables can face is
that of cross-wiring, where some of the internal wires