Kathrine Switzer rightly says "If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon". The race called marathon draws great parallels with life. Great marathon runners have been uniquely blessed with certain characteris-tics or dispositions that make them to stand out during marathon events. Such dispositions are needed even more in the race of life.
In your hand is an audio book that challenges you in the first instance to rise and run your own race of life; and also provides you with 12 unique attributes or dispositions that you need to run this race. It is laced with real life stories of contemporary runners of our time who had dispositions such as endurance, agility, positivity, patience, resilience, etc., drawing life lessons from them. It goes to also give illustrations of men (and women) who applied these dispositions in their fields of endeavour to win their own race of life. The principles of success embedded in this audio book are too vital for you to miss through these stories.
If you ever desire to be successful in life, then this audio book is a must read not just for you, but also for your team members. If you have ever felt on the low side of life, then I will urge you to RISE AND RUN - and in doing that, cultivate the 12 dispositions for your success in the race.