in life, most people have the belief that they can succeed
ABOUT by doing sturt. So they say canjust get the contracticansion
THE of that music laborirican just moet one of these rich guys etc.
They do all that takes to fill these and most often than not
BOOK they don't get the required results
Success in life is not about "doing" but rather about being. There is
person you become and success naturally gravitates to you. One
of the ways to become that person is to intentionally develop
Dispositions that Trigger Success. There are definite dispositions
you cultivate and you become positioned for Success there are also
those you cultivate and regardless of the laborious efforts you put
into your pursuit success only appears as a mirage
in this book are ten dispositions clearly expounded to you that
guwante success when imbibed Each disposition comes with its
meaning an illustrative success story, resons why people don't
develop that disposition principles gathered from the discussion
and actionable items for you.
in your hand is one of the most creative and practical success books
that will definitely introduce and expose you to the dispositions you
need to be succes You in forare adventure!
Uyuko Nyong isa passionate trainer and a prolific ABOUT
speaker driven by the insatiable desire to develop people and THE
watch them grow to becoming a better version of themselves!
He is a Human Capacity Developera Coachanda Motor AUTHOR
He is an Electrical Engineer by training working with one of the
leading multinational organisations. As a personal
development and life coach he has trained severalindividuals
and organisations and is also the Training Lead at Refuge
Foundation Ministry Uyouko has added to his professional
training, further studies on finance and human capacity
He has also authored four other books spanning broad areas
of leadership, business and human capacity development
The Price of Leadership Rules for Business Success Mistakes
to avoid in Business and Mind your Mind
He is happily married to Esther his prices and charming
wife and they are blessed with four children: Divine lacint
Danieland Deborah