Haemorrhoid also called Pile can be discomforting, not only that it is painful but makes you unable to sit properly. This cream is produced to help you feel better. No need to continue taking pills. this cream will tackle it once and for all. You can now move about freely and sit with confidence. The cream is made from all organic herbal extract. There is no side effects. Pregnant women can't use it.
This cream treats pile problems such as pain and swollen Anus. it helps to relieve the pain and gradually shrinks the pile back in.
The ingredient used in formulated with natural herbal extract that are very potent and has microorganisim good for the effects of inhibiting skin infections caused by bacteria and fungi.
Wash affected skin
Clean skin
Apply cream on affected area
NOTE- For internal pile patients, you can push into the affected area 2-3 times daily.
License number- [2015] 0018
Nafdac Number- N/A
Produced in China