Weight Plate Tree helps you to get those stacks of plates off the floor for an organised, professional looking training facility without taking up valuable wall space or locking you into a fixed layout
A plate tree is a frame with pegs to store weight plates on. The shape sometimes looks like a tree which is where the name comes from. Plate trees are great for plate organization which keeps your gym tidy and can save time when changing plates on a barbell or machine
Weight trees and storage racks are vital in home and commercial gyms, because they provide optimal user safety and prevent damage to your equipment
Weight plates are discs made of metal and often used for heavy lifts such as deadlifts and Olympic lifts. They are often narrower than bumper plates so people can fit more of them on the sleeves of a barbell.
A commercial weight tree is a well designed for gym owners to sort their weight plates. This ingenious equipment has a metal structure with rising pins, which makes it ideal for hanging plates and discs.