Intellectual property (IP) law is a very dynamic field of endeavour. The seond ediiton of this book provides quality resource material on the subject of intellectual property rigthts and particularly encapsulates emerging areas and changes in the legal regime including the Copyright Act, 2022; Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2022; the Plant Variety Protection Act, 2021; the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020; and the Nigerian Customs Services Act, 2023, image rights, proposed sui generis law for the protection of geographical indication in Nigeria, the Protocol on IP Rights to the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)'s efforts to conclude an international instrument for the protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions. Emerging areas such as IP and AI, blockchain tehcnology, the Metaverse will continue. More specifically, there have been several developments in the digital technology space that touch on intellectual property law sinamong others are also examined in the book.
In all, the book covers interesting topics such as copyright, trademarks, designs, patents, tradesecrets, IP and gender, IP in the digital environment, geographical indication, plant variety rights, unfair competition, Artificial intelligence, Traditional knowledge, traditional cultural expressions, genetic resources among others.
It uses simple and clear language and an easy to undersand presentaiton style.
Overall, the book is designed recommended for judges, legal practitioners, law and policy makers, academics, researchers, students, entrepreneurs, creatives, creators, and members of the public with interest in IP law.