Weight Loss Diet Shake Fat Blaster
Slim down and stay trim without food starve
- With the Fat Blaster Diet Shake, you can replace 2 meals a day with highly nutritious shake which is rich in easily absorbable proteins, Vitamins and Minerals, while also low in Calories, and up 99% Fat-Free.
- So while you shed some weight, your body is still nourished by the rich nutrients of the shake, so you remain healthy while maintaining a healthy weight.
Health Benefits:
- Contains Green Coffee Bean which promotes Fat Burning,
- Help control Hunger/Suprress Appetite
- Reduce Body Fat
- Vitamins and Minerals Enriched
Enriched With;SoyBean Protein Isolate, FRUCTOSE, Soluble Dietary Fiber, , Whey Protein , Soy Protein, Rice Protein, Green Cofe Bean Extract, Oat Fiber, Calcium Carbonate, Salt, Magnesium Sulfate, Zinc Lactate, Vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12), Nicotinic Acid, Folic Acid, Natural Strawberry Flavour.
Direction for Use:
- Open 1 satchet, pour into a cup
- Add 200ml Warm water to it
- Mix well with Shaker or Blender till smooth
Nafdac number- No nafdac number
Production country- China