Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is a video game published by , and is the sequel to . The game was first released on the , , , and in November 2012, and would make further releases on the , and over the next two years. The game features an optional where a second player could play as and assist the first player, , in saving the Wasteland. The game also has a companion called for the .Like its predecessor, Epic Mickey 2 takes place in a world based on classic and retired Disney characters and attractions. Likewise, the gameplay in Epic Mickey 2 closely resembles that of the original. One of the biggest updates is the addition of Oswald as a supporting character for Mickey; Oswald can either be controlled by the computer or a second player. Oswald uses a in a way similar to how Mickey uses his , to attack (or befriend, in some cases) enemy characters and to power or reprogram machines as needed to complete tasks. Oswald also has many other abilities, such as flying with his ears, taking off his leg, using his arms as boomerangs, etc. There are also some special abilities that can only be used when Mickey and Oswald are working together. In the PlayStation 3 version of the game, players are able to use motion controls using the PlayStation Move controller.