Dragon Quest Heroes II is a hack-and-slash game developed by and published by for , , , , and . It was released in Japan in May 2016, and worldwide in April 2017. The game is a sequel to .
Dragon Quest Heroes II mixes the combat of 's series of video games with the characters, monsters, universe, and lore from 's series. The game is heavier on the RPG elements than most of Omega Force's other titles. World exploration was changed to resemble the typical Dragon Quest experience. Players can move their party to visit towns, wander the world map and initiate battle stages (similar to dungeons). Seamless random monster encounters may break up the pace between locations. Special ingredients and treasure boxes can be discovered across the world map. Weather can fluctuate and sometimes affect the party's status.
Characters are able to dash to wherever they please, but certain areas are blocked until the player proceeds with the main story. As the players proceed with the main story, they can unlock Zoomstones on the world map. These monuments allow the party to instantly warp to previously visited locations.