Anyone whose life has been touched by adoption understands the importance of learning about and then sharing an adoptive child's birth heritage.
This comprehensive resource helps adoptive parents prepare for their roles as storytellers, a privilege unique to the adoption experience. It helps parents embark on a sacred journey of discovery as they learn how important it is to know and honour an adopted child's life story.
In this book, parents are invited to bring their child's story to life by making a Lifebook to provide a message of hope in the midst of fragmented experiences of the past.
While there have been several books written about Lifebooks in the past, Before You Were Mine is the first resource that includes a faith perspective.
Adopted children eventually want and need to know their birth story and their parents want and need to tell it in a healthy way.
In this book parents are shown important lessons on timing, shaping, affirming, embracing, imagining, honoring and praying. Encouragement is provided through practical advice and easy-to-use forms to freely express their thoughts and feelings; capture facts, events, and moments; and imagine where information is missing all to create a Lifebook of their own.
Key Highlights:
- This comprehensive resource helps adoptive parents prepare for their roles as storytellers
- Important lessons on timing, shaping, affirming, embracing, imagining, honouring and praying
- Practical advice and easy-to-use forms to freely express their thoughts and feelings
- The first resource that includes a faith perspective
- Value for money