Experienced midwives answer all your pregnancy and birth questions
What's best to eat during pregnancy? How many minutes apart should my contractions be? What's a great tip for a good night's sleep?
When it comes to dispensing care, advice and friendly reassurance during pregnancy and labour, midwives are the health professionals mothers want to turn to.
Find 1,000 real-life questions for midwives, answered with up-to-date information you can trust. Covers everything you need to know from conception to the first weeks of life with a new baby.
Drawing on the experience of long-term midwife Catherine Parker-Littler and www.midwivesonline.com, Ask A Midwife is like having your midwife on call, 24 hours a day.
Key Highlights:
- Furnishes mothers-to-be with practical, illustrated information from a noted midwife
- With answers to more than one thousand real-life questions about pregnancy and birth at every stage of fetal development
- Covering such topics as nutrition and exercise during pregnancy, the labour and delivery process, childbirth options, and more
- Value for money