The Texas Instruments BA II Plus Financial Calculator is a popular tool used by students and professionals for various financial calculations. Here are some key features and functionalities of the BA II Plus:
- Financial Calculations: It can perform various financial calculations, including time value of money (TVM), amortization schedules, and cash flow analysis (net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR)).
- Statistical Functions: The calculator offers statistical analysis, including standard deviation, mean, and linear regression.
- Depreciation Methods: It supports different methods of depreciation calculations such as straight-line, sum-of-the-years' digits, and declining balance.
- Breakeven Analysis: Users can perform breakeven analysis and profit calculations.
- Bond Calculations: It can calculate bond prices and yields to maturity.
- Date Function: It includes a date function to determine the number of days between two dates.
The BA II Plus is widely used in academic settings, especially for finance, accounting, and economics courses. It is also a common tool for professionals in finance and investment industries.
Popular financial calculator for business professionals and students Ideal for applications in finance, accounting, economics, investments and statistics
Prompted display guides you through financial calculations showing current variable and label
Computes NPV and IRR with up to 24 uneven cash flows Includes 2 variable statistics capabilities
10 memory storage inputs
Auto power down feature