- PERFECT pH BALANCE FOR YOUR VEE - It's no secret that your Vee is healthiest if its pH is neither too acidic, nor too basic. Our women wipes support that balance, whether you use them as booty wipes for women or your on-the-go VeeWipes intimate wipes.
- ALCOHOL-FREE FEMININE HYGIENE - Alcohol throws off your Vee's balance by disrupting the regular functioning of your microbiome. Out of balance, your lady bits are susceptible to health problems. Our female wipes for women are alcohol-free, guaranteeing your Vee's undisturbed microbiome after use.
- HYPOALLERGENIC, GENTLE AND SAFE - There's no more gentle part of the human body than your Vee, so naturally, no ordinary wet wipes will do. To keep your Vee happy, your intimate cleansing cloths and feminine wipes should always be as gentle, safe and completely hypoallergenic as VeeWipes.
- COMBAT ODOR WITH ACV - Use VeeWipes with Apple Cider Vinegar after intimacy, during your period or even before and after using the toilet to combat unwanted odor, maintain optimal hygiene & enjoy a fresh Vee. Keep the feminine hygiene wipes in your purse for any time on-the-go freshness!
- PERFECT FOR SENSITIVE WOMEN - Our nature-based formula is the perfect solution for anyone who normally is prone to infection or pH sensitivities! Thousands of sensitive women now use VeeWipes with confidence!
PERFECT FOR SENSITIVE WOMEN - Our nature-based formula is the perfect solution for anyone who normally is prone to infection or pH sensitivities! Thousands of sensitive women now use VeeWipes with confidence!. COMBAT ODOR WITH ACV - Use VeeWipes with Apple Cider Vinegar after intimacy, during your period or even before and after using the toilet to combat unwanted odor, maintain optimal hygiene & enjoy a fresh Vee. Keep the feminine hygiene wipes in your purse for any time on-the-go freshness!. HYPOALLERGENIC, GENTLE AND SAFE - There's no more gentle part of the human body than your Vee, so naturally, no ordinary wet wipes will do. To keep your Vee happy, your intimate cleansing cloths and feminine wipes should always be as gentle, safe and completely hypoallergenic as VeeWipes. ALCOHOL-FREE FEMININE HYGIENE - Alcohol throws off your Vee's balance by disrupting the regular functioning of your microbiome. Out of balance, your lady bits are susceptible to health problems. Our female wipes for women are alcohol-free, guaranteeing your Vee's undisturbed microbiome after use. PERFECT pH BALANCE FOR YOUR VEE - It's no secret that your Vee is healthiest if its pH is neither too acidic, nor too basic. Our women wipes support that balance, whether you use them as booty wipes for women or your on-the-go VeeWipes intimate wipes.