Transformers: The Game is an action-adventure video game based on the 2007 live-action film Transformers. The game closely follows the story of the film, depicting the Autobots and Decepticons' arrival on Earth following a war between them that has ravaged their home planet of Cybertron. While trying to conceal their existence from humanity, both factions search for a poweful artifact called the AllSpark, which could be used to restore Cybertron to its former glory, but also to enslave Earth's population. The game features a split-campaign format, with players choosing to join either the Autobots or the Decepticons, and completing various missions for whichever faction they chose. A sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, was released in June 2009, based on the film of the same name.
The game was released in June 2007 for several different platforms, and received mixed to positive reviews. The home console and PC versions were developed by Traveller's Tales for the PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 3 and PC, while a different PlayStation Portable version was developed by Savage Entertainment. Transformers Autobots and Transformers Decepticons are the Nintendo DS versions of the game. Vicarious Visions, who was tasked with bringing the adaptation to the Nintendo DS, chose to adapt the DS version into two separate games. Unlike games with multiple SKUs such as Pokemon which feature only minor differences between versions, these are two separate games, sharing some basic similarities, but overall feature different characters, missions and locations.
Key Features
The game (in all its versions) is mainly a third-person action-shooter. All the robots have at least five attack types: a light weappon, a heavy weappon, a melee attack, and the ability to throw objects such as cars, lamp posts, trees, etc., and using a long object like a lamp post as a sworrd
As its title and characters imply, a robot can transform into a vehicle and vice versa, this gives the game some racing elements, as the player must, in some missions, race to certain point within a time limit or before a character of the opposing faction does.
Each area is an open world environment, and there are also side-missions, Energon cubes and Autobot/Decepticon emblems scattered through the city,
if accomplished successfully/collected the player can unlock trailers, production photos and unllock color schemes for certain characters.
What's In the Box
Transformers: The Game Nintendo Wii Game (PAL)