The Lego Movie 2 Videogame is a -themed developed by and published by . Based on the 2019 film , it is a direct stand-alone sequel and the second installment to , released on February 26, 2019, for the , , and ; on March 14, 2019, it was released on . It is the last Lego Movie video game to be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment before sold the rights to The Lego Movie franchise to in 2020.
The game borrows from and , and has new additional characters and refined combat mechanics, as well as those from the first game. Worlds and characters from both films are featured in the game. Players create various structures in order to access new levels.
The first DLC expansion was titled the "Prophecy Pack," and brought prominent characters from the first movie into the game, such as Young Vitruvius and Lord Business. Additionally, "Galactic Adventures" DLC expansion pack was made available on April 18, 2019, featuring three levels that expand further on certain plot moments from the film, such as Future Emmet's rise to becoming Rex Dangervest and Mayhem helping out the members of the Justice League.