DUS Reagent Strips are dip-and-read test strips for In Vitro Diagnostic Use only for testing above items in urine. Test resultmay provide information regarding the status of carbohydrate metabolism, kidney and liver function, acid-base balance, and urinary tract infection. It is measured by comparison of test paper attached to a plastic strip with the color chart blocks printed on the vial label. The strips may be read visually. They can also be read instrumentally, using urine chemistry analyzers.
The procedure must be followed to achieve reliable results. Do not compare strips with color chart before the strip is dipped in urine.
1. Dip the strips into the urine up to the test area for no more thantwo seconds.
2. Draw the edge of the strip along the brim of the vessel to remove excess urine;at this time don't make the test areas touched to the brim of the vessel.
Turn the strip on its side and tap once on a piece of absorbent material to remove any remaining urine;Excessive urine on the strip may cause the interaction of chemicals between adjacent reagent pads, so that an incorrect result may occur.
3. Compare the colours of the reagent pads exactly after 60seconds (Leukocytes after 90- 120 seconds) with the colour chart on the vial label under good light. While comparing, keep the strip horizontally to prevent possible mixing of chemicals when excessive urine is present.
NOTE: This is a reagent strips for urinalysis