evice adopting Traditional Chinese Medicine of Acupuncture Technology and the best effect of body reaction by Using Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. A Great Choice for Individual daily health care based on its 8 Outstanding Optional function
There are 8 Mode function:
1.) Acupuncture
2.) Stroke
3.) Massag
4.) Cupping
5.) Manipulation
6.) Scrapping
7.) Weight Reducing Immunotherapy
8.) Immunotherapy
What's the functions and features of the digital body therapy machine?
1.) Digital technology is applied.
2.) It has a large LCD on which strength functions mode treating time indicatingsystems in both Chinese and English and a diagram showing the main and collateral channels in human body.
3.) The fantastic wavy combination will let you have the real feeling of impact manipulation massage hammering impact practice of cupping glass and Guasha.
4.) The diagram of the main and collateral LCD will indicate instructions for treatment.
5.) 2 channel output,providing completely separate stimulation.
6.) Nine stimulating programs providing different stimulation.
7.) Ten different output intensities.
8.) Automatic therapy time setting, energy saving function.
9.) Design with "Auto-polarity-switch"function.
10.) Lock and un-lock function for safe operation.