Conveniently worn underneath your clothes, the Slendertone Bottom Toner gives you a firmer, more uplifted bottom in 4 - 8 weeks. Used in conjuction with Slendertone's 30-day toning plan and a normal, healthy diet, indepenedent clinical trials have shown: •9 out of 10 users reported an improvement in shape •8 out of 10 reported their clothes felt looser •7 out of 10 reported a more uplifted and well defined bottom Slendertone's patented EMS technology mimics the body's natural muscle movements, sgnals are sent to the nerves which in turn contract all of the bottom muscles, giving you the body shape you desire.
- Slendertone Bottom Toner
- Advanced bottom toning
- Tightens and firms in 4 - 8 weeks
- Lifts and reshapes
- Includes:
- 4 x Adhesive pads
- Control unit
- Charger
- Literature pack