Scooby-Doo! Unmasked is a platform game based on the
Scooby-Doo franchise. It was developed by Artificial Mind and Movement and published by THQ for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, and Nintendo DS. In the main console versions, the player controls Scooby-Doo to defeat enemies, collect clues for Velma to unlock new levels and secrets, gather ingredients for Shaggy to increase player health, find trap pieces to view enemies, and to solve the overall mystery.
The main mechanic of the game is Scooby-Doo changing into specific costumes, giving him different abilities.
These abilities range from doing kung-fu moves, gliding like a bat, and archery with plungers. However, most costume uses in levels require mubber, a resource dropped by enemies, marked boxes and other such sources. It is also used in some levels to obtain ingredients, and is reset when finishing or exiting a level. The costumes are necessary in order to complete or access some levels.
The Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance versions are instead shorter 2D platformers with little direct focus on enemy combat, but collecting clues is still the main goals of the game. The DS version also has mechanics with the touchscreen, like a Scientist costume that has you dissolve mubber cubes in the way, boss fight chases that have you avoiding obstacles and triggering traps, and manually researching clues with draggable tools.
Key Features
The main mechanic of the game is Scooby-Doo changing into specific costumes, giving him different abilities.
These abilities range from doing kung-fu moves, gliding like a bat, and archery with plungers.
In the main console versions, the player controls Scooby-Doo to defeat enemies.
The DS version also has mechanics with the touchscreen, like a Scientist costume that has you dissolve mubber cubes in the way.
What's In the Box
DS game