At some point, kids start wondering what makes a machine, a computer or their favorite battery-operated car “go.” This introductory STEM skill building class can help them understand what makes technology work. It’s not “magic”; someone programmed software to tell the machine what stimulus it should be watching for and how it should respond.
At SO TechAfrica Robotics, kids ages 6-9 get to do exactly that!
First, they build a structure that uses Buiilding Bricks, motion sensors, rotators and perhaps some simple machine elements, such as pulleys and gears.
Then, they use computer software to put together the code — but in this case, they use this simple, intuitive, drag-and-drop tool to build code, so they can direct their machine as to what stimulus to watch for and how to react. They don’t learn actual programming language, per se, but this class gives them a chance to see why coding and programming has become such an important role to play in modern life.
What makes the class extra engaging is they get to work with our unique Bricks 4 Kidz models that were inspired and developed by architects and engineers — professionals who are passionate about passing on the torch of STEM skills to the next generation.
Even better, this activity builds a bridge between the physical world and the virtual world of computers and programming software.
As we do, what makes the difference is they get to work with our uniquely developed Bricks 4 Kids models. They’ll be working on challenges and projects in a collaborative, supportive environment