This particular ps4 perfect for your gaming pleasure and it has been upgraded to the latest version.Complains and stories are over with this ps4 version. The PlayStation 4's controller is called the DualShock 4, and is the most drastic redesign of the PlayStation controller since the introduction of the DualShock. It features capacitive touch input, like that of the PS Vita, improved SixAxis motion sensing, a brightly-colored "Light Bar", speaker on the controller, and at 7.4 ounces, the controller weighs less than an ounce more than the Dualshock 3 (6.74 ounces). The Dualshock 4 was originally intended to look similair to the highly acclaimed Xbox 360 controller, but that idea was put to rest in favour of the more classic and Playstation like side to side analog stick placement that Playstation fans are accustomed to.The start and select buttons are replaced by share and option keys that flank on the top of the touchpad. Note that if you're purchasing the Dualshock 4 seperately for an extra controller, it does not come with a micro-USB cable to charge. Instead you will have to use the one included with your system, buy a new one or simply charge the controllers seperately. It has been confirmed via twitter that the up to 4 PS4 controllers can be used at once which is surprising because thats less than what the PS3 supported