It kills Rats and Mices. SINGLE DOSE, KILLS IN ONE FEED.
Kills Big and Small Rats.
Kills Mice and Roof Rats.
No Need of Mixing
Direction for use :
Step 1: Take out the paper Bait from the transparent nylon.
Step 2: Break the Cake Cubes into 4 pieces .
Step 3: Place each of the Cake pieces 10-15 feet apart along walls around the area where rodents are mostly spotted.
Keep in Corners and concealed places.
Step 4: Affected Rats will come out and die in open places within 2 - 3 days.
Step 5: Replenish if necessary.
Wash your hands with soap and water after handling. Prevent contamination of any foods or food stuffs, utensils and drinking water.
Locate bait where it will not be accessible to children and domestic animals.
Destroy empty container and do not use for any other purposes.
Dispose dead rodents and leftover bait by burning or burying them in an area where pets cannot dig them.
Mode of Action: POWER KILL ACTION is a potent anti conagulant which kills rat and mice within a short period of single feed.