TV Guard Adapter protects against high voltage, surges/spikes, and power-back surges.
These conditions are harmful to electrical and electronic devices .
The TV GUARD will re-connect automatically only after the supply has returned to acceptable limits after the 5 seconds wait time.
With a current rating of 5Amps, you will enjoy your electronics and get great value for your money.
This Guard has a fast response time, there is no way surge and spike could get into your appliance.
When you have this guard installed in your home and office, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
It should be noted that lightning alone does not cause power surges when there is frequent power interruption that causes indiscriminate switching on and off; this may have a negative effect on
electronics as well.
This guard will draw up all surges making sure it does not get to your appliances. This guard will eliminate all the risks associated with irregular power.
13 Amps voltage protection unit which protects your electronics against any damage occurring due to voltage fluctuation particularly Low Voltage and Surges.
Current Rating: 13 Amp
Wait time: 5 seconds
AVS function
Timesaver function