Nwura Wura is a unique soluble herbicide formulation of glyphosate (360 g/l). It is a systemic and non-selective weedkiller with pre-emergence and nonresidual effects. This provides benefits to growers in the form of reduced storage and packaging waste.
- It has wide potential use for total weed control in agriculture including horticulture, forestry, and non-crop areas
Nwura Wura Herbicide
Nwura Wura is a foliar acting, systemic, non-selective post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds. It is optimized for dissolution in water and waxy materials and accelerates the uptake of a larger quantity of the active ingredient by weeds with faster penetration into weed cuticles to roots. It is an efficient crop protection product with excellent weed control, reliability and favorable environmental attributes. It is applicable in low volume- low-pressure pre-plant spraying systems (emergence of first weed prior to planting).
- It is also in zero tillage maize production and has no residual effect on soil.
Active Ingredient
- 360g glyphosate/L in the form of 480g/L glyphosate – isopropylamine soluble salt.
Dosage and Administration
- Dosage: 150 – 200mls/ 15L water
Directions for use:
The application is based on low volume-low pressure principle which results in reduced risk of non-target crop injury on contact with the herbicide. After tilling, early weeds are allowed to emerge, then Nwura Wura is sprayed at the recommended dosage rate after the emergence of first weed. Crops can be planted 48 hours after spraying (active ingredient would have been taken up by the weeds).
- Faster uptake and symptoms.
- Highest levels of long-term weed control.
- Greater consistency in a wider range of weather conditions.
- Less packaging, handling, and waste than other herbicide formulations.
- Symptoms develop more quickly allowing cultivation intervals to be reduced.
- Nwura Wura is compatible with a wide range of other products.
- Spray on target weeds
- Not to be sprayed in windy conditions (above 15km/hr).
- Do not allow spray mist drift unto desirable vegetation.
- Use slightly alkaline water with buffer (ammonium sulfate) to dissolve.
- Spray actively growing weeds before planting (increases absorption at a lower rate).