NAFDAC-Reg No: 03-6847
The PINKLIP CREAM turns the lip pinkish naturally. It comes in Pink, Red coloration, its all the same.
With ingredients that exfoiliates, cleanse and revive the best lip cell statues, It takes 3days to see real signs and between a week and two to achieve an obvious effect. After which you can maintian by applying ones in a while to keep it glowing.
The use of this cream is completely safe.
We Almsot all had pinklips when we were little which we lost as we grow older, now we can get them back.
APPLICATION (Three simple step)
1. Do a simple Exfoliation on your upper and lower lip by scrubbing them gently with a tooth brush and a red tooth paste Circularly or from left to right to left motion.
2. Apply the cream after exfoliation in the morning, twice after that and after exfoliation in the night before bed so it adds up to four times of application per day.
3. Take off the previous application the next morning by Exfoliating again and re-apply following step one.
Do this routein for a 3 days to 2 week period. Control number of application per day depending on how pinkish your lip has become.