Divine Care Natural Brown Gold Cocoa Powder Refill (300g) contains polyphenols, methylxanthine compounds predominantly theobromine and caffeine. It is rich in polyphenols which have significant health benefits.
Divine Care Natural Brown Gold Cocoa Powder reduces inflammation improves cholesterol levels. However processing cocoa into chocolate or other products can substantially decrease the polyphenol content. Polyphenols are naturally occurring antioxidants found in foods like fruits, vegetables, tea chocolate and wine.
Divine Care Natural Brown Gold Coco Powder is one of the richest sources of polyphenols. It's especially abundant in flavanols which have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Cocoa in powdered form and in the form of dark chocolate may be able to help lower blood pressure. It does this by improving nitric-oxide levels.
It lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Flavanol rich cocoa improves the level of nitric-oxide in your blood which relaxes and dilates your arteries and blood vessels and improves blood flow. Cocoa has been found to reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) i.e. bad cholesterol.
Brown Gold Cocoa has a blood thinning effect similar to aspirin. It also improves blood sugar and reduce inflammation while polyphenols improves blood flow to your brain and brain function.
Flavanol rich cocoa can also reduce the risk of TYPE II Diabetes. Eating flavanol rich dark chocolate or cocoa,
It reduces insulin sensitivity
It improves blood sugar
It control and reduces inflammation in diabetic and non- diabetic people.
Flavanol rich cocoa may aid weight control in many ways:
Brown Gold Cocoa Powder intake can help in weight loss by helping in reduction of use of energy, reducing appetite, inflammation and increasing fat oxidation and feelings of fullness, It's
- Anti-cancer properties
- Antioxidant supplement
- Anti-Asthmatic drug
- Anti- stress
- For Maximum sexual power
- Pre/Post Menstrual Syndrome
- Sensitizes insulin in Diabetics
- Immune Boosting Effects
- Controls high blood pressure
- Good for the management of Arthritis
- Nourishes the body, skin and gives energy. 2 x 300g