Are you being bothered by the annoying mosquito while you are trying to fall asleep at night? Or don't want to wake up only to find that those are some red spots on your skin. Stilling Being driven crazy by the mosquito, fly and other insects? It's time to get youself a mosquito killer! This is a mosquito with beautiful and modern cover uses curved design to enhance the ultraviolet rays and LED lights to entice the mosquito which all contribute to better killing effects. It also operates quite at night, so you would not be disturbed and can let you fully enjoy your sweet sleep.
Sleep soundly with this amazing electric LED Lamp Mosquito Killer. It comes with built-in fan will continue to work once it is turned on. It doesn't make loud noises to disturb your sleep. The 35 dB soundless fan is perfect for babies, toddlers, and pregnant people.
It is ideal for all environment and exceptionally safe and secure to use in every home area as well as hospitals, workplace areas. This mosquito trap indoor spreads lights in all directions. The pest killer lamp is great for any room, living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, office, etc.
This effective insect killer comes with 365 nm bionic violet light wave enhances the attraction of mosquitoes through the human bionics technology, enabling precise mosquito trapping. It has a built-in streamlined 360-degree suction fan, and mosquitoes approaching the flight from any direction will be sucked into the insect trap, and died by the dehydration of air flow, very effective.