The newest chapter of the iconic Mortal Kombat Fighting game franchise marks a triumphant return to the series' mature presentation, as well as its first appearance on the PlayStation Vita handheld operating system. More than just a handheld port of the 2011 console release of the game, Mortal Kombat for PS Vita provides players with a high-end gameplay experience, as well as features and content that only Sony's new handheld can supply. The game contains the story mode from the console release of the game, and all of the DLC characters and costumes that have been made available. In addition to this, the game harnesses the PS Vita's touchscreen capabilities, and built-in accelerometer to provide exclusive modes, including: the all-new Challenge Tower mode, and Test Your Slice and Test Your Might modes.The same quality Mortal Kombat gaming experience found in the 2011 console version of the game, now made portable through PS Vita New features and content exclusively for the PS Vita System All-new Challenge Tower mode with 150 new missions Touchscreen fatalities, Xrays, and more Warriors, environments and fatalities are as brutal as ever Fluid gameplay at 60 frames per second An extensive lineup of iconic warriors Challenge friends in ad hoc or Wi-Fi matchesAmazon.comPrepare yourself to reenter the tournament wherever you are as Mortal Kombat comes to PlayStation Vita. A complete reboot of the franchise, this latest iteration combines all-new mature oriented fighter gameplay with a deep story mode, improved graphics and game technology and new game modes to create a Mortal Kombat play experience like none before it. Feature details include: a storyline that takes players back to the tournament, exclusive PS Vita functionality, fatalities presented in graphic detail never imagined in earlier release, and all-new game modes.The Mortal Kombat franchise is reborn with the advanced features of PS Vita. The Deadliest Tournament in the Palm of Your HandThe newest chapter of the iconic Mortal Kombat Fighting game franchise marks a triumphant return to the series' mature presentation, as well as its first appearance on the PlayStation Vita handheld operating system. More than just a handheld port of the 2011 console release of the game, Mortal Kombat for PS Vita provides players with a high-end gameplay experience, as well as features and content that only Sony's new handheld can supply. The game contains the story mode from the console release of the game, and all of the DLC characters and costumes that have been made available. In addition to this, the game harnesses the PS Vita's touchscreen capabilities, and built-in accelerometer to provide exclusive modes, including: the all-new Challenge Tower mode, and Test Your Slice and Test Your Might modes.The same quality Mortal Kombat gaming experience found in the 2011 console version of the game, now made portable through PS VitaNew features and content exclusively for the PS Vita SystemAll-new Challenge Tower mode with 150 new missionsTouchscreen fatalities, Xrays, and moreWarriors, environments and fatalities are as brutal as everFluid gameplay at 60 frames per secondAn extensive lineup of iconic warriorsChallenge friends in ad hoc or Wi-Fi matchesAdditional ScreenshotsClassic fatalities moves. Multiple new modes. PS Vita touch controls. A full lineup of fighters.