Effective Pain Relief on Shoulder, cervical vertebrae, back, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle, feet, nerves, muscle pain, tennis elbow, and much more Acute and chronic physical pain. Curing frozen shoulder, arthritis, and neuromuscular pain, etc Most important thing is one should know about acupoints, the way they work in order to use this device effectively. This product has 9 adjustable intensity controls power. When the controls power is 0, it will flash red for a few seconds and then shut down automatically. If you need to re-use it, just press the button to increase degree up.
Powered by electric.
Effective for: Acute and chronic physical pain, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Osteoporosis, Sciatica, Spondylitis, Migraine, Sports injuries, Muscle & joint pains, Back pain, Fibromyalgia
without piercing the skin to do acupuncture
Simple operation, easy to carry
Safe and effective, with no side effects
Size: Approx. 17x2.8x2.8cm/ 6.69x1.10x1.10"
Battery: 1 x AA battery (not included)