Lego Marvel's Avengers is a -themed video game developed by and published by , for the , , , , , , , , and . It is the spin-off to and the second installment of the Lego Marvel franchise. The game is based on the , primarily following the plots of and , with single levels based on , , , and .
The game features characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well as characters from comic books. Characters include , , , , , , , , , , , , , and , as well as some lesser known characters such as and . It includes the characters of the , a superhero team; along with many others. The game was released on 26 January 2016 and received mixed reviews, with many calling it inferior to its predecessor.The gameplay is similar to Lego's long-running series of franchise video games, with a focus on puzzle-solving interspersed with action. Players have to solve puzzles spread across the game environment to progress through levels. The game features New York City as the main large open-world hub, but also, for the first time, includes seven other movie significant areas players can travel to, including , , South Africa, The , the Bartons' farm, Washington D.C., and . These hubs also feature hundreds of side quests and bonus levels such as rescuing citizens in trouble and races. The main story takes up a fairly small fraction of the game's total "completion". While the game's story is predominantly focused on the first two Avengers films, there are single levels based on , , , and