Le Fruit de MONIN Passion Fruit offers an exotic bouquet and fresh tropical texture to drinks. Passion fruits are indigenous to Brazil.
Le Fruit de MONIN Passion Fruit has a rich and sweet flavour on the palate with a touch of acidity to bring it closer to the flavour profile of fresh passion fruit.
Le Fruit de MONIN Passion Fruit can be used in a wide variety of beverage applications from lemonades, iced teas, frappes, mocktails and cocktails
Cultivated in many tropical and temperate regions, the passion fruit is known by many exotic names, such as Maracuyá, Chinola ...
The fruit of passion is one of the most intensely fragrant fruits.
Perfect your dishes continuously, using our passion fruit puree, to prepare smoothies, milkshakes, cocktails, hot drinks and much more.
By mixing different fruits (purees or natural juices) we can create almost unlimited combinations, providing a wide range of soft drinks.