Masterweld inverter welding machine 300amps.Arc-Force gives a power source variable additional amperage during low voltage (short-arc-length) conditions while welding. Helps avoid "sticking" stick electrodes when a short arc length is used.Hot-Start used on Inverter 300Amps makes it easier to start difficult-to-start electrodes and used for arc starting only.Inverter-based technology is very lightweight in comparison to transformer welders, think Bruce Lee versus a sumo wrestler. We’re talking up to half the size of some transformer machines.
If you’re doing stationary work in a big area, a large, heavy transformer machine won’t be much of a problem. But if you’re planning on transporting your welder around or space is limited, inverter tech will make life a whole lot easier.
Efficiency And Stability.
(MMA) inverter welding is the most flexible and one of the most widely used arc welding processes. It involves striking an arc between a covered metal electrode and a workpieceBenefits include increased productivity through higher welding speeds, better wetting and penetration and reduced distortion through lower heat input – resulting in cleaner welds and less rework effort. In total, you could save up to 40 percent on the cost front.
- Robust construction for heavy duty use
- Built-in Wind Tunnel protects electronic devices from dust and saltiness and improves reliability
- Digital display for setting and reading welding parameters
- Microprocessor controls real-time welding parameters
- Hot Start increases the start-current and gives better arc ignition
- Arc Force avoids short circuits and lack of fusion during the welding