NOTES: Is now 100 in a pack
Green Tea Pure 100 Teabags
Lipton Pure Green Tea is made from the finest leaves in the world. Natural, delicious, and full of natural flavonoids. It has a delightfully light, fresh, and non-bitter taste that is simply delicious.
Lipton's 100% Natural Green Tea with Mint tea bags deliver an energizing blend of spearmint and peppermint leaves, balanced with the naturally light, refreshing taste of green tea leaves
This Lipton Green Tea lets you create an uplifting moment any time of day
For the best tasting mint green tea, steep the tea bag for two minutes, adding the bag first and then water
Like other hot and iced tea, wine and cocoa, Lipton 100% Natural Green Tea contains flavonoids Consuming flavonoids as part of your everyday diet can help maintain a healthy heart
Lipton TeaTeabagCaffeine teaLipton tea bag
Zero Calories : Green Tea, when had without milk or sugar, not only tastes great but contains virtually
tea as well as orange passion fruit, berries and other ingredients. All Lipton tea bags yield calorie free beverages provided you don't add sugar milk or other calorie additive