Hunters Gold Cider 330ml NRB was launched in 1988 as a refreshing, masculine alternative to beer. Its a premium, balanced, full-flavored cider in Hunters cider range – which includes Hunters Dry, Hunters Gold, Hunters Hard Lemon, Hunters Extreme Bold, and Hunters Export. The Hunters cider range offers a burst of natural ciders for every cider enthusiast seeking real refreshment from the first gulp. Its popularity has grown since its launch making it a popular cider brand in South Africa and the go-to thirst quencher for every occasion. Hunter’s Gold Cider 330ml NRB has a smooth, refreshing taste of fresh apples delivering an all-around, easy-drinking cider. This refreshing, balanced, real, natural cider offers an explosion of taste and balance of flavours, with fresh apple and fruit notes. It’s remarkably balanced and satisfactorily smooth.